Poche CA
Illustrator Artist

-Price are base and increase according to complexity
-Comercial use is 100% of the final price
-Extra charapter 70% price
-Charapter design fees $17
Portraits $45
Bust $60
Half body $95
Full body $120
Complex backgruop $40
Character Concept Sheet $185

5 x $35

Terms of service
Upon commissioning me your art may be used for my portfolio. This includes but is not limited to: Posting it on my social medias, using it to promote myself, publish it online or in books, or use it as sample material.If you DO NOT want to be part of my portfolio CLARIFY IT
WHEN PLACING THE ORDER.Commercial use, desing service and more details are listed in the Extras section of my commission info.Payments require an advance payment of at least 20% to separate slot and payment must be settled after completing the first sketch..COMUNICATIONWhen placing an order send references of your character, in case of character design it can be a collage or detailed descriptions.Wip will be send every time a phase of the illustration is completed (sketch, final sketch, lineart, base color, rendering), if the client requests it, an update can be given even if the phase is not finished.Revision: 3 maximum in the sketch phase, 2 maximum in the base color phase (only corrections related to the color palette or visual effects observations that you want to apply)Turn Around Time : All delivery times are considered after approving the final sketchCANCELLATIONIn case of cancellationIf the client requests a cancellation, none of the payment will be returned due to the time scheduled and invested into the work.If the sketch hasn't been finished yet that the client is still obligated to pay 50% at the date of cancellation.DonĀ“t
Extra complex Mecha
Minor NSFW
Hate Speech
Nothing for now, but will be ready soon ;)Thanks for taking a look